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Whispering Leaves-Beneath a golden sky

Rajendra Prasad Gupta 22 Jun 2023 कविताएँ समाजिक Whispering Leaves 5361 0 English :: English

Beneath a golden sky they sway,
Whispering leaves in gentle play.
Nature's symphony, a sweet refrain,
Whispers of peace, healing the pain.

Their dance, a gift to weary souls,
Unveiling secrets, making us whole.
Through rustling branches, love's caress,
A heart touched by nature's tenderness.

In harmony with Earth's embrace,
Whispering leaves, a saving grace.
Their gentle song, a sacred art,
Rekindling hope within each heart.

Note: I have tried my best to create a heart-touching nature poem within the given word limit.

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