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How to become a Rich ?

Disha Shah 24 May 2024 आलेख समाजिक 2843 0 Hindi :: हिंदी

In now a days young people  were  showoff to ,his  friends, neighbours so He is rich but 
Real situation is , in these type of habbit can 
Be down to poor.
Some young peoples salary was only 25k but he can buy iPhone on emi  , 
He can apply a loan to buy a new house so their life should be completely danger zone because their life  be  lots of stressful.
These kind of foolish activity you do , never be rich .
To become a Rich is possible or not ?
100% Any kind of persons be rich if he or she followed these rule :
1 whenever your financial situation is not good , you shouldn't be focus on expenses.
If important thing is to consume so you can buy but you shouldn't be  buy lots of things.
A focus on only one Goal because whenever You decided to working these field so your goal must be  clear so you can achieved anything as you want.
Hardwork and smart work 
Now a days any kind of goal you decided doesn't be matter but must be Doing hardwork and smart work because change your life completly.
4 Risk 
If you are doesn't taking risk so  why are you know , what's your current position?
Without Risk you never be rich it's completely true.
You can working any kind of field so it's doesn't be matter but important thing is if you work with consistent so your productivity and knowledge will be increased and you will  be a expert of your field 
Without Patience you never be achieved anything so Patience is very important If you  became a rich so , many failures , rejection comes to your life so if you maintained your patience level so you can achieved anything and 
You are the richest person of your Family .
Determination and Confidence 
Without confidence and determination  you never be suceed .
Any kind of field you like , you just increase your confidence level and Determination level because your life should be completely change.
Your Financial situation is change , you should be rich and want to buy anything as you want.
So any kind of person can be easily want to be a rich if he or she continuing doing hardwork and smartwork , so any kind of field they working in during a huge level of consistency so 
Now a time not suceed but one day he or she definitely suceed 
Because Sucess doesn't comes a overnight 
If she or she believes with themselves so They can be also a richest person of their society.

Please sharing these informative Topic to all of us  because all kind of people can read these blog  .
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