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20 मई स्पेशल -इंटरनेट पर कविता कहानी और लेख लिखकर पैसे कमाएं - आपके लिए सबसे बढ़िया मौका साहित्य लाइव की वेबसाइट हुई और अधिक बेहतरीन और एडवांस साहित्य लाइव पर किसी भी तकनीकी सहयोग या अन्य समस्याओं के लिए सम्पर्क करें

goodness is never wasted

Rajendra Prasad Gupta 02 Jun 2023 आलेख समाजिक 5222 0 Hindi :: हिंदी

In a world often characterized by cynicism and skepticism, it can be easy to overlook the profound impact that acts of goodness can have on individuals and society as a whole. Whether it's a small act of kindness or a grand gesture, the positive energy emitted by these actions reverberates through time and space, shaping the world in ways we may never fully comprehend. This article delves into the notion that the good done by someone never goes in vain, emphasizing that while the immediate results may not always be apparent, the universe has a way of manifesting these acts at the right time and in unexpected ways.

1. A Ripple Effect of Goodness:
Just as a pebble creates ripples when tossed into a calm pond, acts of goodness have a ripple effect that extends beyond their immediate impact. Even the smallest acts of kindness can inspire others to follow suit, creating a chain reaction of positive actions. The initial act becomes a catalyst for further good deeds, setting in motion a powerful wave of compassion and generosity.

2. The Unseen Power of Good:
While we may seek immediate gratification or recognition for our good deeds, their true power lies in the unseen realm. The impact of an act of kindness can transcend time and space, leaving an indelible mark on the lives of others. Whether it's providing support to someone in need, lending a listening ear, or offering a helping hand, these acts of goodness can uplift spirits, restore hope, and inspire profound transformation.

3. Divine Timing and Manifestation:
The timing of when the good we do comes to the fore is not within our control. Only a higher power, often referred to as God, has the ability to orchestrate the alignment of circumstances and events. It is through this divine timing that the true impact of our good deeds is revealed. Sometimes, it may take years for the effects to materialize, but when they do, they often exceed our expectations, leaving us awe-struck by the mysterious ways in which goodness unfolds.

4. Seeds Planted for Future Harvest:
Just as a farmer sows seeds with the hope of a bountiful harvest, our acts of goodness plant seeds in the hearts and minds of others. These seeds may lie dormant for a while, but when the conditions are right, they sprout and flourish, bringing forth positive change. By engaging in acts of kindness, we contribute to a collective reservoir of goodwill, ensuring a future where compassion and empathy prevail.

5. Trusting in the Invisible Forces:
It is important to trust in the invisible forces at play when it comes to the impact of our good deeds. While we may not always witness the direct consequences, we can have faith that our actions are never in vain. By relinquishing the need for immediate validation and embracing the belief that the universe has its own way of weaving the tapestry of goodness, we open ourselves to a world of infinite possibilities.

The good done by someone is never in vain, for its impact transcends the immediate moment and extends far beyond our awareness. Whether we see the results or not, the universe has a way of manifesting acts of goodness in due time and in unexpected ways. Let us continue to sow the seeds of kindness, trusting that the ripples we create will eventually contribute to a world where compassion, love, and generosity thrive. Remember, even in the face of uncertainty, the universe works in mysterious ways, ensuring that the goodness we sow will never be lost.

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