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"Evil grows when good people do nothing"?

Dr Satywan Saurabh 05 Apr 2023 आलेख समाजिक 9092 1 5 English :: English

"Evil grows when good people do nothing"?

   Good people have a responsibility to speak up and act in the face of evil to keep their community going. Edmund Burke said; "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing." Albert Einstein also said that: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch without doing anything." We cannot match evil with evil. Anger and hatred have no place in a world of peace and love. The only way to fight this is to expose the truth. Share knowledge with your world when you know corrupt things, manipulated to control people.

- Dr. Satyawan Saurabh

  If you allow something inherently bad or bad to happen when you had knowledge or experience that the event was morally wrong, you will let "evil" triumph. For example, when you see an old man being robbed or a girl being molested and you chose to be in action about it during the incident. You may have felt that you could not intervene because "it was none of your business". Or you were afraid that you would be the next target. Or maybe, you just assumed someone else would come forward and say something. Or you thought you just couldn't find the time. Or you might even think that maybe you just misunderstood the situation. Or someone will take action or say something for you. Despite every possible reason on earth, we allow evil to prevail because we are afraid, scared, or frankly, just don't care, about being unpopular.

Our world is full of people who are doing nothing. When you give the finger to evil, they devour you all. So, why are people so passive about all the bad things that are happening? First, we are programmed by the elite to think this way. We are taught to take care of ourselves and compete with others in school, sports, work, politics, religion, and more. It is a creation that has been going on for thousands of years. We have learned to idolize and not see the real value in every human being. People have "idols" they follow and believe in. Why can't you just be your own "idol"? You can still appreciate the people who create great things but all people are capable of creating.

This is a replica of the events that have taken place in Afghanistan with the Taliban taking control of Kabul. What the world is witnessing with the victory of the Taliban and people trying to flee Afghanistan and many killed in the effort is indeed pure evil. No one can justify this in any way, shape, or form. We cannot sit comfortably and watch it on our computer screens and TV screens. It has to be fought otherwise it will spread like cancer all over the world. President Biden said that his hands were tied for a comeback given the terrible peace deal between the Trump administration and the Taliban. But there was still a way to withdraw American troops while giving the Afghans a better chance of maintaining the gains America had made with them over the past two decades. Biden chose otherwise. How he announced the withdrawal and eventual departure of US troops – early in the fighting season, on a rushed timeline, and without adequate coordination with the Afghan government – has got us to the current situation.

At the very least, the United States should have continued to support the Afghans during this period to help blunt the latest Taliban offensive and buy time to plan for a future devoid of American military aid. US diplomats could use this time to negotiate access to regional bases from where counter-terrorist operations could be continued. At the same time, the US military should have been prepared for an emergency should those talks fail. Reasonable people can disagree about the wisdom of keeping US military forces in Afghanistan indefinitely. A responsible comeback required more time and better preparation. Another famous philosopher, John Stuart Mill, said: 'No one should lull his conscience under the illusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part and forms no opinion. The bad men need nothing else to round their heads, but those good men to watch and do nothing.'

We cannot match evil with evil. Anger and hatred have no place in a world of peace and love. The only way to fight this is to expose the truth. Share knowledge with your world when you know corrupt things, manipulated to control people. I know many people are paid to keep their mouths shut because otherwise they will be publicly ridiculed and humiliated or eventually killed. Some people are brave and expose the truth. Are you going to be one of them? And stop feeding the elite. You support them through banks, stock markets, media, politics, and other things.


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